Chicken Steak and Zucchini Moussaka (VIDEO)



Is needed:

500 g of chicken breast
500 g of zucchini
7 eggs
300 g of flour
200 ml of sour cream
200 ml of milk
1 tablespoon of spice
salt and ground black pepper



-Cut the zucchini into thin strips lengthwise. Cut the chicken breast into thin steaks and sprinkle with salt and black pepper. Then we pound them with a hammer and put them on a plate.


-In a deep bowl, break 4 eggs, salt them and sprinkle black pepper. We add a mixture of spices and beat them with a whisk. We first dust the chicken steak with flour, then dip it in the beaten eggs. We put them to fry on heated oil on the stove. We turn them during frying. When they are fried on both sides, put them on a plate.


-Flour the strips of zucchini and dip them in the beaten eggs. Fry them in the remaining oil. We turn them during frying and put the strips on another plate.


-Cover the bottom of a ceramic bowl with the fried zucchini strips. Arrange the fried chicken steaks on them. Cover with the rest of the zucchini strips.


-Break the remaining 3 eggs in a deep bowl. We salt, add spice, then sour cream and pour milk. Mix with a wire whisk until the mixture is combined. Pour the moussaka with the mixture using a pump. Place the dish in the oven and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Remove the dish with the baked moussaka from the oven.


-Spread mixed cream in the middle of a serving plate. cut the moussaka into cubes. We serve one piece on top of the sour cream. We decorate with sprigs of parsley.


*With this dish we suggest you drink a quality dry red wine. It is served at a temperature of 18-20 degrees.



Good appetite


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