Savory Cake With Four Layers (VIDEO)

Estimated read time 2 min read
  • 3 large wafers
  • 400 g of fresh mushrooms
  • 200 g of melted cheese
  • 200 g rounds of ham
  • 100 g of cheese
  • 100 g of mayonnaise
  • 100 g of fried peanuts
  • 3 boiled peeled eggs
  • 1 tablespoon mixed spice
  • 250 g of cream
  • oil
  • Himalayan salt and black pepper

-Chop the champignons into leaves and fry them in heated oil in a pot on fire. We salt, sprinkle ground black pepper and add the mixed spice . After the liquid evaporates, remove the pot from the heat.

-In a mixing bowl with a mixer, beat the cream and pieces of melted cheese until the mixture is combined.

-Cut the wafers in half widthwise. Cover four pieces of wafers with the mixture of cream and melted cheese on the colorful side.

-Place the fried champignons on the straight coated wafer. Place the second coated wafer on top of them. Cut the rounds of ham into small cubes and apply them to the wafer.

-Place the third wafer and grate the boiled eggs on the small side of the grater. Place the fourth wafer and grate the cheese on the small side of the grater. Cover with the fifth unfilled wafer.

-Add the mayonnaise to the bowl with the remaining mixture of cream and melted cheese, and mix. Cover the last wafer with the mixture. We mix the peanuts in a blender, sprinkle the cake and put it in the refrigerator.

-Take the cooled and firm cake out of the refrigerator, and cut it into cubes. On a serving plate, place one piece of Salted Cake with four fillings. We decorate with sour cream, halves of cherry tomatoes and sprigs of French parsle.

*With this appetizer we suggest you drink a quality dry white wine. It is served at a temperature of 10-12 degrees.

Good appetite

You can watch the recipe in its entirety on our YouTube channel.

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